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Clipped wing mirrors - should I have reported to insurance company?!

hullaballoo19 · 02/08/2021 23:14

Hi, hoping this is the right place to post..

Was on holiday, returned home very late Saturday. On Friday, whilst driving from our campsite to the local town, a woman and I clipped wing mirrors. Narrow country lanes, I slowed down as I saw her coming (I wasn't going above 30 for the whole road as quite windy and narrow at times, so can't have been doing more than 20 when I slowed) but she was driving pretty fast and didn't seem to slow until we were very close (I'm being reasonable here as I didn't feel she slowed at all until after we clipped wing mirrors!). We each had a widened bit of road that we could have pulled over in before we reached each other on a slightly narrower section of road, but neither one of us did. Clipped wing mirrors. Stopped to check for any damage and had a bit of a confrontation with the other driver. Nothing too extreme but we were both blaming the other, she said I should have stopped in the widened bit, dp said she she could have also stopped at widened bit on her side and was driving really fast. I checked her wing mirror (had already checked my own as I got out of car). I said to her that there's no damage to either wing mirror so let's just leave it be rather than continue arguing. It didn't occur to me to exchange insurance details as no damage, but I would have done if she'd stated that she wanted to. I've never had any kind of collision with another driver before and kind of assumed that unless there's damage you don't actually do anything. Forgot about it and didn't notify my insurance company as no harm done, just a bit unpleasant with the confrontation. Sunday I get a text from my insurance company saying something along lines of 'reminder, must report incidents within 24 hours or etc etc', reminds me of the occurrence as I'd completely forgotten about it! Coincidence, or do I assume that this lady has reported it?! So now I assume I'll have to ring them to report it myself and obviously worried that I didn't report within 24 hours. How big of a deal is it likely to be?? Thanks for any advice